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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Wednesday 04 September 2024

US has new plans for terror detainees

Detainees being held at Guantànamo Bay, Cuba, and other suspected terrorists, could be held for life under proposals being drawn up by US intelligence chiefs.

The Scotsman reports the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency have asked the White House to decide a ‘long term’ solution for those it did not plan to set free or turn over to courts at home or abroad. The US Defence Department planned to apply for $25m from Congress to build a 200-bed prison to house them permanently. In addition, some of the Afghan, Saudi and Yemenis currently accommodated at Guantànamo and elsewhere could reportedly be filtered back to their home countries and held in prisons built by the US but operated by their national governments. The moves are expected to spark an outcry from international human rights activists. Full report in The Scotsman