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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Saturday 27 July 2024

UK editor faces racial hatred charges

The editor of a Scottish weekly newspaper, which ran an editorial claiming that a massive refugee camp could be built in Scotland, is facing possible prosecution under Britain\'s anti-racism laws.

The Scotsman reports Alan Buchan, the publisher and editor of the North East Weekly, was charged under a section of the Public Order Act which gives the police powers to arrest any person whom they suspect of publishing or distributing written material that is threatening, abusive, or insulting and intended to stir up racial hatred. The report said there had been much opposition to ‘the establishment of refugee centres holding upwards of 5 000 immigrants because they were fully aware that their communities would be swamped and turned into cesspools’. Buchan said there was nothing in his article ‘that says black refugees or Asian refugees’. Full report in The Scotsman