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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Tuesday 03 September 2024

Supreme Court asked to intervene in Bin Laden driver\'s case

US lawyers who are representing Osama bin Laden\'s driver have gone over the head of a Federal Appeals Court which is hearing his case and asked the Supreme Court for a swift resolution.

They have urged the court to hear Salim Ahmed Hamdan\'s case immediately and declare that the US cannot try him before the military commissions set up for terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay, reports the Financial Times. The case would force the Supreme Court to confront fundamental questions about whether the commissions which were specially established to bypass both the US courts and traditional military tribunals for war crimes will be allowed to proceed. The Pentagon had been planning to bring Hamdan before a commission next month, the first trial for any of the hundreds of detainees, many of whom have been held now for nearly three years. Full report in the Financial Times