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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Tuesday 03 September 2024

Sculptor\'s heirs to demand royalties for Rio landmark

There is a legal dispute swirling around Brazil\'s best-known monument, the massive Christ statue that towers over Rio, reports The Scotsman.

Heirs of the work\'s Polish-French sculptor, Paul Landowski, have raised the question of who owns the rights to Christ the Redeemer, saying that they should receive royalties for their relative\'s work on the monument. Now some experts worry that – after a lengthy legal battle – the heirs\' claim may eventually involve thousands of businesses that deal with souvenirs related to the statue. Bemvindo Sequeira, of the Rio de Janeiro state council of copyright protection, said: \'A bee\'s nest is being shaken. Where would we go from here? Tell me, who is going to pay Leonardo da Vinci\'s heirs for the Mona Lisa likenesses sold at the Louvre Museum?\' Full report by The Scotsman