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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Tuesday 03 September 2024

Right-to-die case appealed in US

Florida Governor Jeb Bush has filed an appeal in the US Supreme Court against an earlier ruling that said a law introduced to prevent a comatose woman’s feeding tube from being removed was a violation of the separation of powers between the legislative and judicial branches, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Dubbed Terri’s Law, the legislation prevented authorities from allowing Terri Schiavo, who is at the centre of one of the country’s longest and most bitter right-to-die battles, to die. The law was pushed through six days after the woman’s husband had the tube removed with a judge\'s approval. Now, the Governor\'s attorneys are arguing in the Supreme Court that the Florida Supreme Court ruling has ‘ominous’ implications for ‘the most vulnerable of our citizens who cannot speak for themselves’. Full report in the Los Angeles Times