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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Sunday 01 September 2024

Private firm takes on Chinese Information Ministry

In a landmark lawsuit, a private Chinese company, the Aux Group, a large electrical goods producer, is taking the powerful Ministry of Information Industry to task over its policy of restricting access to the mobile phone market.

The suit, reports the Financial Times, is based on recent legislation intended to loosen the grip of China\'s bureaucrats over the economy. Aux claims the refusal of the MII to allow it to sell wireless handsets under its own brand violates a law on administrative approvals that took effect in July. The law, part of a raft of legislation intended to bring China into line with the requirements of membership of the World Trade Organisation, limits the sectors controlled by the state. However, the case has yet to be accepted by the First Intermediate People\'s Court of Beijing. The court failed to decide whether to hear the case, which was filed earlier this month, even though it is required by law to make such a decision within seven days. Full report in the Financial Times