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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Tuesday 03 September 2024

Changes to law will help nab UK gangland bosses

\'Supergrasses\' willing to give evidence against gangland bosses in Britain will be encouraged by written promises of immunity or reduced sentences under one of the biggest changes in law enforcement for 40 years, reports The Telegraph.

For the first time, the provision of so-called Queen\'s evidence will be placed on a statutory footing, setting out the benefits of providing police and prosecutors with information likely to lead to the prosecution of underworld godfathers. The proposal was set out in the Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill, the first of eight Home Office measures for the new parliamentary session. Caroline Flint, the Home Office Minister, said: \'We are sending a clear message to organised criminals - we will do everything in our power to stop your behaviour.\' Full report in The Telegraph