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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Monday 02 September 2024

Bill aims to stop courts ruling on Pledge of Allegiance

The US Pledge of Allegiance, specifically the words ‘under God’, have been the source of many legal challenges in the US.

The Republican-led House has now passed a Bill that will stop the courts deciding on the constitutionality of the inclusion of these words, reports The Washington Times. House Republicans, citing a 2002 California federal Appeals Court ruling that the Pledge was unconstitutional because it ‘endorsed religion’, said the Pledge Protection Act was necessary to keep judges from imposing their views on an unwilling American public. House Democrats said the Bill had little if anything to do with the Pledge of Allegiance or the constitutionality of ‘under God’. Instead, they said, it was a Bill designed to exercise ‘demagoguery’ over the courts because they didn\'t like the California Appeals Court\'s decision. The Bill still has to be voted on in the Senate. Full report in The Washington Times