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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Wednesday 04 September 2024

Alleged mercenaries to appeal Zimbabwe sentence

Zimbabwe\'s High Court is allowing 64 men – who were alleged to be on their way to take part in a coup plot in oil-rich Equatorial Guinea – to appeal their jail terms on charges of illegal entry into the country, their lawyer said.

According to SABC News, Jonathan Samkange confirmed a report in The Herald newspaper, the government’s mouthpiece, that the 64 SA citizens were granted permission to take their case to the Supreme Court, the highest in Zimbabwe. A Harare court in September jailed former British special services officer Simon Mann for seven years. Sixty-seven other alleged mercenaries were sent to prison for 12 months for illegally landing at Zimbabwe\'s main airport en route to what authorities said was a mission to depose Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, the Equatorial Guinea president. Full report on the SABC News site