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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Friday 03 May 2024

Government considers mass culling of elephants

Zimbabwe is considering the mass killing of elephants for the first time since 1988 to reduce its 100 000-strong population. The country, which has the world's second-largest population of elephants after neighbouring Botswana, maintains that the large number of the animals is leading to destruction of habitat needed by other species and an increasing number of dangerous human-elephant interactions. ‘We are trying to see ways in which we can reduce the numbers. We have to discuss it at policy level as government,’ said Environment, Climate, Tourism & Hospitality Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu. A report on the Fin24 site notes that Botswana and Zimbabwe have in recent years asserted the right to manage their elephant numbers as they see fit. ‘We will obviously rely on scientific advice,’ Ndlovu added. The report notes that the government is undergoing a review of its Parks and Wildlife Act to collate views on how to better manage its wildlife resources.