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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Friday 06 September 2024

Surge in mpox cases confirmed

A total of 18 737 suspected or confirmed cases of mpox were reported in Africa since the beginning of the year. The AU on Saturday said 1 200 cases were reported in one week. News24 reports that to date, 3 101 confirmed and 15 636 suspected cases have been reported from 12 AU member states and resulted in 541 deaths. The figure accounts for three strains of the virus, of which one is the new more deadly and more transmissible Clade 1b which prompted the WHO on Wednesday to declare an international health emergency – the agency's highest alert. The hardest hit country, the DRC where the new Clade 1b strain was first detected in September 2023, has reported 1 005 cases (222 confirmed, 783 suspected) and 24 deaths in one week. All 26 provinces in the DRC have reported cases.