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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Wednesday 04 September 2024

Harare mulls plight of incarcerated activists

Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa says the incarcerated pro-democracy activists should be set free as there is ‘nothing to disturb anymore’, admitting the influence of the ruling party on the judicial system. Several opposition supporters and activists are languishing in prison following a clampdown that preceded the SADC summit in Harare. New Zimbabwe reports that they were arrested in response to anticipated protests against President Emmerson Mnangagwa. According to Amnesty International, about 160 people have been arrested since June. Mutsvangwa said it was time the activists were released from prison to avoid wasting resources. ‘I am very happy that the security sector lived up to its billing. We are talking of people who are driven to disorder, people who never want to see their country cast in a good light,' he said. Mnangagwa's Government received condemnation from foreign embassies and the UN Human Rights over the clampdown on dissenting voices.