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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Tuesday 16 July 2024

Coup-led Sahel nations mull alliance

The Sahel's three coup-led countries – Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso – are at an advanced stage of planning to form a confederation of their own rather than rejoining the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas). The three share borders, a Francophone history, and indigenous and traditional cultures – and are all suspended from both the AU and Ecowas. News24 reports that they held the first Sahel Alliance Summit last weekend where Mali was elected to lead the group in what is due to be an annual rotation. Their ‘Alliance of Sahel States’ is due to be ‘a sovereign space of security and prosperity’, according to the theme of the meeting in Niamey, Niger. The confederation is due to be a stepping stone towards a full federation, Mali's military ruler Colonel Assimi Goita has noted. The three countries share a problem with violent extremism, which the likes of the US, France and Germany have fought against by their side. However, after the unconstitutional changes in governance, France, Germany and the US fell out of favour and were instructed to leave. In their place, the three countries have all opted to work with Russian paramilitary outfits such as the Africa Corps, formerly Wagner Group. The coup leaders in September last year signed the Liptako-Gourma Charter to form an alliance which, along with another declaration in March this year, amounts to a mutual defence pact.