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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Sunday 01 September 2024

New Communications DG states key areas of focus

SA\'s new Director General of the Communications Department, Lyndall Shope-Mafole, has targeted the resolution of the second national operator licence as one of her key areas of focus.

She also says the further policy announcements by the minister, which were mentioned during her announcement of the deregulation of the sector, will definitely still take place this year, reports SABC News. In a Mail and Guardian Online report, she stated that SA\'s long-awaited Convergence Bill would be passed next year. ICT law specialist Pravesh Singh, of Jan S de Villiers Attorneys, welcomed Shope-Mafole\'s timeline, saying that he believes the government has taken note of the public sector\'s concerns while formulating the Bill and added that he hopes this will be reflected when the Bill is passed next year. Full SABC News report Full Mail & Guardian report

Moving to policy issues in Nigeria, Minister of Information, Chief Chukwuemeka Chikelu, has announced that the department will be reviewing the country\'s national mass communication policy to ensure that it is able to keep in step with best practices in the rest of the world. Full This Day (Lagos) report