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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Wednesday 04 September 2024

ICT charter\'s targets are difficult to attain

Soria Hay, of Black empowerment specialist firm Bravura, warns that the ICT empowerment charter, due to come into effect early this year, could prove challenging and demoralising for the industry, according to an ITWeb report.

The final draft has been presented to Cabinet and is likely to be passed with few changes. Hay notes that the charter prescribes \'achievement hurdles that are extremely difficult to attain\' and could have a \'demoralising effect on the industry\'. Hay adds that the scoring system includes a minimum score of 40% in each category - unlike the BEE charters for other sectors that only rate organisations according to the total score. Thus, scoring less than 40% in any single category will deny firms the option of achieving empowerment status. Full ITWeb report