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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Saturday 27 July 2024

Garage door copyright ruling upheld on appeal

A US appeals court has upheld a ruling that Skylink Technologies, which sells garage door openers that are interoperable with those produced by a rival, is not in breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, reports

In 2002, Chamberlain sued Skylink Technologies over Skylink\'s universal remote transmitter, arguing that, as the device circumvented a \'rolling code\' security function, Skylink was in breach of the DMCA. In the US Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit unanimous ruling, Judge Arthur Gajarsa wrote: \'The essence of the DMCA\'s anti-circumvention provisions is that (they) establish causes of action for liability. They do not establish a new property right.\' The court noted that even though Skylink\'s transmitter circumvented Chamberlain\'s chip, it did not infringe on Chamberlain\'s copyright. Full report