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Legalbrief   |   your legal news hub Sunday 19 May 2024

Sweden declares sex without consent as rape

Swedish lawmakers passed legislation last week making explicit consent or clear communication a requirement before sexual conduct, or it would be considered rape. According to a Jurist report, the Riksdag, Sweden’s legislative body, said: ‘The purpose of the legislation is to clarify that every individual has an unconditional right to decide over their own sexual relations.’ Previously someone could only be prosecuted for rape in Sweden if it was proven they had used threats or violence. The new law requires explicit verbal agreement or a clear demonstration of desire to engage in sexual activity. It also includes a special negligence requirement for more serious offences. ‘It is no longer necessary for the offender to use violence or threats, or to exploit the victim's particularly vulnerable situation in order to be judged for rape,’ the proposal stated. The changes will go into effect on 1 July, according to the report.